Kain Blog2019-01-04T03:00:24+00:00
1109, 2013

Don’t Change a Winning Formula

Ironman Lake Tahoe. Keep it Simple. Don’t Change Your Winning Formula. A couple of years ago, a good mate of mine was training for the Ultraman in Hawaii. Ultraman is DOUBLE the Ironman distance. Only [...]

2908, 2013

Live for the Blue Mile

Get a wet towel, and slowly, bit by bit, turn by turn, wring every last drop of water out for hours and hours. Whatever your goals are for up-coming IM Tahoe, your energy expenditure will [...]

808, 2013

Ironman and the Inner Game of Tennis

As you approach your key races of the year, you are getting fitter and stronger with each key workout. All the accumulation of training is beginning to make a positive impact on your health….don’t forget [...]

2207, 2013

Ironman Lake Tahoe Training Weekend Take-Aways

I was reflecting on the Lake Tahoe Training Camp experience and I came up with a few take-aways that might be of some use. No matter how you look at it, Ironman is hard. It’s [...]

2702, 2013

Cycling Safety in a Group Ride (Shari Kain)

Kain Performance strives for SAFETY FIRST. Group rides are a great way to increase your bike fitness because of the accountability & intensity, however you have to be alert and aware. There are several variables in a [...]

802, 2013

Goal Setting

By Coach Pete Kain How do you stay motivated? That is a question I get asked a lot. I have been training and racing in multi-sport events since 1984! That's close to 30 years of [...]

102, 2013

Cycling and The Quiet Upper Body

While riding all those base miles, what you should be thinking about is "QUIET UPPER BODY". What that means is, assessing your body position, all while your just clicking off the miles at an easy [...]

2501, 2013

The Key Workout

Triathletes train for 3 sports, swim, bike and run. Our sport takes time and energy and all of us have our strengths and weaknesses. How much time do you spend on each sport? How efficient [...]

2905, 2012

How to have your BEST RACE at the Hawaii 70.3

Please read if you would like to have your BEST PERFORMANCE ever at Hawaii 70.3! ***The Honu 70.3 Ironman in Hawaii is a Half Ironman Distance Race, consisting of a 1.2 Mile Swim, 56 Mile Bike and [...]

2405, 2012

How to Race in the Heat

Racing a Triathlon is a great challenge for anyone, given the three sports you have to prepare for, the distance of a particular event, as well as the conditions at each event. Kain Performance has [...]

1109, 2013

Don’t Change a Winning Formula

By |September 11th, 2013|Training Tips|Comments Off on Don’t Change a Winning Formula

Ironman Lake Tahoe. Keep it Simple. Don’t Change Your Winning Formula. A couple of years ago, a good mate of mine was training for the [...]

2908, 2013

Live for the Blue Mile

By |August 29th, 2013|Training Tips|Comments Off on Live for the Blue Mile

Get a wet towel, and slowly, bit by bit, turn by turn, wring every last drop of water out for hours and hours. Whatever your [...]

802, 2013

Goal Setting

By |February 8th, 2013|Training Tips|Comments Off on Goal Setting

By Coach Pete Kain How do you stay motivated? That is a question I get asked a lot. I have been training and racing in [...]

102, 2013

Cycling and The Quiet Upper Body

By |February 1st, 2013|Training Tips|Comments Off on Cycling and The Quiet Upper Body

While riding all those base miles, what you should be thinking about is "QUIET UPPER BODY". What that means is, assessing your body position, all [...]

2501, 2013

The Key Workout

By |January 25th, 2013|Training Tips|Comments Off on The Key Workout

Triathletes train for 3 sports, swim, bike and run. Our sport takes time and energy and all of us have our strengths and weaknesses. How [...]

2405, 2012

How to Race in the Heat

By |May 24th, 2012|Training Tips|Comments Off on How to Race in the Heat

Racing a Triathlon is a great challenge for anyone, given the three sports you have to prepare for, the distance of a particular event, as [...]

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