pete kain

3 12, 2014

Winter Tune Up: Running Efficiency Video Clinic

Coaches Pete Kain and Leroy Thomas will be hosting a Running Efficiency Video Clinic on Saturday, December 20th 2014, from 9:00am-1:00pm at the Los Gatos High School Track. In conjunction with videographer George Bruder, they will be video you run ON THE TRACK (and not on the Treadmill) for a more true-to-life experience. They will [...]

19 09, 2013

Last Minute Words of Wisdom

The day many of you have been training all year for is almost here! You are ALL ready to go, both mentally and physically! You have put in lots of good, hard work to get ready and now you are going to lay it on the line! I just wanted to give you all some last minute [...]

25 01, 2013

The Key Workout

Triathletes train for 3 sports, swim, bike and run. Our sport takes time and energy and all of us have our strengths and weaknesses. How much time do you spend on each sport? How efficient are you at each discipline? These are all good questions and the answers may vary for each individual. The more [...]

24 05, 2012

How to Race in the Heat

Racing a Triathlon is a great challenge for anyone, given the three sports you have to prepare for, the distance of a particular event, as well as the conditions at each event. Kain Performance has a big group heading to Hawaii for the Honu 70.3 Ironman race next week, so I wanted to give out [...]

17 04, 2012

How to Maximize Track Workout by Coach John

Of all three disciplines in triathlon, running is the hardest on the body in terms of potential for injury. When we think of the type of running we do, track workouts further up the injury potential stakes. Do hire car accident injury lawyers to deal with critical injury cases who will ensure that you get [...]

13 04, 2012

How to Save Time in Transitions by Pete Kain

Race season is approaching fast! It is time to step up the intensity of the training a bit, as well as get sharp in all three disciplines of swim, bike and run! TRANSITIONS are also a KEY component of any race, many races are Won, or Lost by wasting precious time in transition. [...]

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